The Concept - AdroitFox | ||||||||||||||||||||
I am the locomotive at the head of the mankind and the rest of the world is caboose! | This world... hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain. | |||||||||||||||||||
This is the embodiment of the Concept. The Concept is a set of values, beliefs and ideals that makes me an individual and keeps me going. The number and nature of values change, althought the crucial ones remain. The current list includes (but is not limited to) Blade Runner, The Wall, Forever Plaid, 6 Underground, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Final Fantasy VII (down with Sephiroth!Cloud forever!), 17 Moments of Spring, Eclipses... |
In order to make the list, the item must be conceptual. "Conceptial" does not mean "cool"; on the contrary, the Concept rejects conformism. The Concept has nothing to do with the Matrix. The soil of the Concept are the Eclipses. "Every person is a moon and has a dark side, that he never shows to the others", said Mark Twain. True; however, Pink Floyd said: "The Moon has no dark side, really. It only has one side, and that side is dark". | |||||||||||||||||||
Here is a Conceptual story I wrote recently. It might give you a better idea about what values comprise the Concept. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ordinary Wonder By In our days, due to the outstanding efforts of mentality explorers such as K. Harbman and A. Barlow, the problem ? or gift ? of insanity is researched more thoroughly. In the end of the 20th century ? the period of Linoge?s life ? it remained a mystery even to the enlightened ones. Time after time individuals and groups of individuals tried to brainstorm the problem, but they failed. From Transcendentalists to Pink Floyd fans, people wasted their time in vain. Anyway, Linoge was insane. He was not insane in a traditional sort of way, though. In a way, the case was unique. The society usually fears or neglects the insane ones; thus, it portrays them as dangerous freaks or meek underlings. Linoge was a perfect example of losing a way in life. He wanted to find a Snark. Linoge had no clue what he was doing. He was living in a gray colorless world full of strange shapes and bizarre creations of his own imagination. All his desires and needs were submitted to the one: find the meaning of life - or prove that none existed. In his mind meaning of life was inevitably associated with Snarks, or, to be correct, with the Snark. In our days Snarks are extinct, but at least we know that once they existed, lived among us, pursued their own goals, dreamed and acted. In Linoge?s time the fact of Snarks? very existence was under question. Linoge brilliantly guessed the right answer to the dilemma; unfortunately, the answer came in an inappropriate time. Linoge was insane, and everyone knew that. How did he go insane? This question does not bother masses anymore. One thing we know for sure: Linoge went skating on the thin ice of life, and went alone. A crack in the ice appeared under his feet, and there was no one for him to hold on to. Linoge wasperfectly lost, all alone on this separate planet, which by then already counted 6 billion units of population. He was alone in his own way. Neither do we know what he needed the Snark for ? maybe to help get rid of his severe loneliness? With Linoge gone, the questions will never be answered. This is a sad biography of a perfectly normal man who had once slipped, lost his balance and descended into the abyss of doom. Is there a resolution to it? We will let the readers conclude it individually. We told it as it had happened, without adding or omitting a word. Oh yes, the faith of Linoge. Well, he knew that he would not be permitted to keep his state of mind forever - there had been laws, after all - so one day he just packed and took off. He was never met with again - only a grim note signified the sadness of the situation: "Gone to hunting of a Snark. Hope - no Boojum. Ha ha". Although he is probably dead by now, we hope he still found inner peace and re-obtained his consciousness. Maybe the Snark - if he ever found one - provided him with a set of values our society was incapable of giving him. With all the expectations the society provides us with, even the most determined ones sometimes fail to maintain their fine lines and take off into nowhere looking for? Either way, we will never know the truth. AdroitFox: [email protected] | ||||||||||||||||||||
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